Saturday, July 14, 2012

It has been a while.

Ok so I muddled through Algebra and am finishing up the Ethical and Legal issues in business. Wow Algebra was a thorn in my side but I made it. Ethical and Legal issue in Business had a lot of essays, and when I say a lot I mean a lot. I have one essay left and then on to Accounting, something I know a little bit about. I think......Oh well if not then I will when I finish. Lots of things going on besides class and not enough hours in the day to do it all. Wishing you and yours te best summer ever.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Essay

Okay so I didn't write about any of those things. I wrote about small business and failure to succeed. I have no clue what my grade is yet and now I have two essays to write this week. Wow that is a lot. This is my last week of English and then on to the dreaded Math. Algebra is my enemy. He doesn't like me and does everything possible to confuse me and keep me confused. The next fourteen weeks will not be my own. They will belong to Algebra the one who challenges my mental stability. If I make it out alive then I will see you in fourteen weeks. If for some reason I don't make it please bury me with my English book as my headstone. English is good to me. I feel safe with English.
Till  next time.....


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Causal Essay

Today I have to write a causal essay, at first I was confused at what was considered a casual essay. (See the spelling) My Professor was quick to point out that a causal essay is not a casual essay. Causel equals cause and effect. Casual equals relaxing not formal. Oh now I understand... so on I go with the writing of my essay. First I need to get a list of problems for my topic. I need help here....
1. List problems you hear about on the news or read about in the papers.
2. List problems you face in your own life.
3. Ask friends and neighbors what problems in life are the most challenging.

Which problems create the most passion in you?
What pushes your anger and hurt buttons or stays on your mind long after you first heard about it?

These are the things to consider when choosing my topic.
This is where my mind goes blank. What problems do I have?
Weight loss

Are any of these a subject I would want to write about? Not really but I do have to come up with something so we start with passion. What am I most passionate about? Other than God I have no clue. Help me out here I need some feedback. Ok so I havent posted this so no one will be answering me anytime soon. Wow what is a girl to do? My sister said children but I am not so sure about that.